Financial Assistance

    Results: 7

  • Community Action Agencies (1)

    Community Action Agencies


    Private, nonprofit human service and advocacy organizations established under the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 that provide emergency assistance to people in crisis; address the causes of poverty through programs that fight unemployment, inadequate housing, poor nutrition and lack of educational opportunity; and provide training in advocacy skills. Community Action Agencies (CAAs), also known as Community Action Programs (CAPs), operate a variety of core services in the communities they serve. Included are GED and ESL education, job training programs, Head Start and day care, weatherization and energy assistance programs, health services, services for older adults (e.g., Foster Grandparents and RSVP), emergency food assistance and homelessness prevention programs. They are also involved in affordable housing creation and renovation and small business assistance.
  • Rent Payment Assistance (1)

    Rent Payment Assistance


    Programs that make rental payments for people who are at risk of eviction without assistance. Also included are rent supplement programs that provide assistance with ongoing monthly rental costs. Rent payment assistance programs may have age, income, disability, need or other eligibility requirements.
  • TANF (1)



    A state program with matching federal block grant funds administered by the county or the state under state guidelines that provides time-limited cash assistance for needy families with (or expecting) children as well as job preparation, work opportunities and access to supportive services such as child care which enable parents receiving assistance to leave the program and become self-sufficient. TANF, which ends the federal entitlement known as AFDC, creates a five-year lifetime limit on cash assistance for most adult recipients; requires that recipients be working or participating in a work-related activity within two years and cooperate with comprehensive child support enforcement efforts including paternity establishment; and contains special live at home and stay in school provisions for teenage parents. States have wide latitude in structuring their TANF programs and may obtain waivers which exempt them from specific federal requirements. Recipients may receive monthly checks or be given electronic benefit transfer (EBT) cards which allow them to access their cash benefits at automated teller machines (ATMs) or point of sale (POS) equipment that is located in grocery stores, banks and other commercial locations.
  • Utility Service Payment Assistance (4)

    Utility Service Payment Assistance


    Programs that pay all or a portion of the utility bills of people whose utilities have been or are at risk of being shut off including any reconnection fees that may apply. Also included are non-emergency programs like those funded through the federal Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), also referred to as LIEAP or HEAP in some states, that provide home energy assistance, generally in the form of a credit, for low-income households that apply. The assistance is usually available once per calendar year (or heating season). Utility bill payment assistance programs may have age, income, disability, need or other eligibility requirements.
  • Veteran Benefits Assistance (2)

    Veteran Benefits Assistance


    Programs that provide assistance for veterans who are having difficulty understanding and/or obtaining the full benefits and services to which they are entitled by law based on service to their country. The programs may help veterans understand the eligibility criteria for benefits, the benefits provided by the program, the payment process and the rights of beneficiaries; provide consultation and advice; help them complete benefits application forms; negotiate on their behalf with U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs staff; and/or represent them in administrative processes or judicial litigation. Included are Veteran Services Officers (VSOs) who are trained and accredited by the Veteran's Administration (VA) and can be found in offices specific to each state, the county courthouse, the local VA office and local veteran's rights organizations; as well as legal aid programs that offer more formalized legal assistance.
  • Veteran Service Officers (1)

    Veteran Service Officers


    Individuals who have been trained and accredited in the U.S. by the Veteran's Administration (VA) to assist veterans and their families by answering questions, advising and educating individuals and groups regarding benefits that are available from federal, state, county and local resources; assisting eligible individuals to file the necessary claims; and representing individuals and presenting claims in VA hearings. They are knowledgeable in the areas of compensation and pension, health care, education and training, employment, burial and survivor services, housing, transportation and military records. Local VSOs can be found in offices specific to each state, the county courthouse, the local VA office and the local organization's headquarters.
  • Weatherization Programs (1)

    Weatherization Programs


    Programs that provide assistance in the form of labor and supplies to help people improve the energy efficiency of their homes and protect them from the elements. The program provides ceiling insulation, attic venting, double glazed windows, weather-stripping, minor housing envelope repairs, low-flow showerheads, evaporative cooler vent covers, water heater blankets, pipe wrap, duct wrap, switch and outlet gaskets, caulking, and other related energy conservation measures. Weatherization programs may have age, income, disability or other eligibility requirements.